Capital Improvements Program Committee

State Statute sets out the jurisdiction and purpose of a CIP program in  RSA 674:5 – 8. The City is enabled to create a 6-year Capital Improvements Program where the Planning Board has adopted a Master Plan. The sole purpose and effect of the capital improvements program shall be to aid the City Council and City Manager in their consideration of the annual budget.

The City’s CIP program serves as a cornerstone of the City’s long term planning program. It connects the City’s Capital asset and infrastructure needs to the City’s Land Use Master Plan and allows for measured growth  that does not unduly impact the City’s capacity or financial systems. 

At such time as the City Manager requests, or the Administrative Code specifies, each officer or Director of a Department shall submit an itemized request for capital projects for the next fiscal year for the departments or activities under its control. Each capital request shall be for an item $10,000 or greater in price and with at least a 10 year lifespan. Each capital request shall be submitted on the Capital Projects Request form and in the “Justification” section please explain how the project meets the following criteria:

The City’s CIP Criteria are as follows:

  • Is part of the goals and objectives in the City’s Master Plan
  • Addresses a Public Health or Safety issue
  • Improves the efficiency of existing services
  • Addresses a current deficiency or lack of service
  • Preserves or builds on a previous capital investment or current project
  • Reduces future operating costs or increases future revenues
  • Supports efforts to promote Economic Vitality
  • Responds to a Federal or State requirement
  • Eligible for outside funding sources with limited time and/or availability

The City’s CIP Committee is made of the following membership/representatives, who shall score the proposals based on the criteria: 3 Members of the Planning Board, 3 Members of the City Council, 2 Members at large – appointed by the City Manager. 

Scoring is completed by giving each CIP item a score of 1-5 as to how well they meet one of the 9 criteria. A perfect project receives 45 points.  A 45 point project would be ranked first. With all other scored projects being ranked based on their score. Scoring is completed independently by CIP Committee Members without discussion with other CIP Committee Members. All scoring is submitted to the Planning Department who tabulates the ranking.

At the CIP Committee’s final meeting to discuss the ranking, the committee, as a whole, may make changes to the ranking, for reason stated in the final report to the Planning Board. CIP Committee may not rescore, only amend the ranking.

CIP Committee’s Final Ranking Report shall be submitted to the Planning Board. Planning Board may review scoring and change ranking based on knowledge of development patterns and the Master Plan. PB may not rescore only amend the ranking.

A Final Ranked Project Report of capital requests is submitted to the City Manager for Recommendation to the City Council. 

Staff Contacts

Name Phone
Shanna B. Saunders
Jaclyn Millard (603) 335-1338

CIP Committee Members

David Walker
Keith Fitts
Sheila Colson
Donald Hamann (Ward 4/Seat B)
Daniel Fitzpatrick
Rick Healey
Peter Bruckner
James Hayden
Sheila Colson